Work From Home Spinal Health Tips

This year is only halfway done but has been full of challenges, including the shift from working in an office to work from home. For many people, it’s a huge adjustment that can cause back, neck, and body pain. Here are our tips to help keep your spine healthy while working remotely.

Create a Comfortable Workstation

When we say comfortable, we don’t mean your couch! As cushy as it may be, it’s most likely not the most ideal workspace for eight hours a day. Just as you set up your workspace at the office to be ergonomic to prevent workplace injury, the same goes for working at home. Establish an area that has plenty of space to either sit or stand (though a combination of both is best). Whether you are sitting or standing, your forearms should be parallel to the ground. If you are sitting, your thighs should also be parallel to the floor. Choose a seat with proper back support and if you don’t have one, a rolled-up towel can provide adequate lumbar support. Your computer screen should be at eye level and remember to check in with your posture regularly.

Take Stretch Breaks Regularly

When you are working in an office, you probably take several small breaks throughout the day without even realizing it. Whether it’s walking to fill up your water bottle or to the restroom or catching up with co-workers, it’s important to give your mind a break and your body the opportunity to stretch. This can be harder to do while working from home, so make a point to get up and get moving by setting an alarm at least once an hour. Use this time to stretch your legs, back, and even take a short walk. Roll your ankles and wrists, turn your head slowly from side to side, and get your blood moving to supply fresh oxygen and healing nutrients throughout your body. This will help you feel better physically and mentally and can prevent injury.

Get Adjusted at Bird Chiropractic

At your local Voorhees Township, NJ chiropractor, we are your source for all things related to spinal health. Many of us are still facing challenges as we adjust to this new normal, and your spine could probably benefit from an adjustment, too. Dr. Brandon Bird uses gentle, targeted, and effective adjustments to keep your spine aligned properly, which relieves pain and helps your body function optimally. To learn more or to contact us for an appointment, just click here!