Posture for Pumpkin Carving without Back Pain

During the fall months, many people fail to realize just how painful pumpkin carving can be. People can harm their backs if they aren't careful while hunching over a pumpkin and trying to carve out a face. Try out these chiropractic tips to help you remain pain-free while you carve.


When you carve pumpkins, your arms get a good workout after digging them out and carving out a face or image. It can be really beneficial to stretch your body beforehand, particularly your arms. By doing so, you can prevent injury during the process and ensure that your arms stay pain-free. A few simple shoulder rolls, reaching up to the sky while your fingers are interlocked, and locking the hands behind the back are all great examples of stretches.

Stand Up

It is extremely common for pumpkin carvers to sit at the kitchen table or even on the ground. In most cases, the goal is to keep the area clean of all the pumpkin guts. They typically do not take their backs or posture into consideration. Standing desks are the perfect spots for carving pumpkins. If the person stays upright and carves at an appropriate level with the correct posture, they are less likely to experience pain compared to those that hunch forward as they work, resulting in back and shoulder pain.

Dry Your Hands

With the guts, pumpkins get slippery. There is a potential for injury not only from the knife used in the process, but there can be hand and arm pain as well. People can also injure their joints or muscles if their hands slip off the pumpkin. The best way to prevent this is to keep the hands as dry as possible throughout the carving process.

Consult Your Chiropractor

There are many people who have restrictions in their joints without realizing it. The removal of these restrictions by chiropractic adjustments can go a long way towards preparing the body for tasks such as pumpkin carving. If people don't exercise caution in their posture, pumpkin carving can put a great deal of strain on the back and body, so visiting a chiropractor first can be of great benefit.

Carving pumpkins is a popular fall activity that many enjoy, but it isn’t always pain-free. That doesn't mean they have to endure any pain if it is to come. You can rely on us for the best chiropractic treatment in Voorhees, New Jersey. For more information about how Bird Chiropractic can benefit your overall health, give us a call or fill out our online form.