Your Body's Shock Absorbers


Your spinal discs, also known as the “shock absorbers” of your spine and body, work with the natural curves of your spine to reduce pressure and stress as you move. Just like your car has shock absorbers, so does your body, and if worked too hard, they can become damaged. They can tear, herniate, bulge, and degenerate, but they don’t slip (a commonly misused term). If you are suffering from low back pain, it may be a result of a herniated disc or other disc issues. These discs separate each vertebra and form the necessary space for your nerves to exit the spinal cord so they can help your body tissue and organs stay healthy. The rings of fibrous tissue, or annulus, are filled with a soft jelly center. You need to keep these healthy and aligned in order for your body to function properly.

Here are two common disc problems:

Bulging Discs

If an area around the annulus is weakened or out of place, it allows the soft center to be squeezed out and bulge like a bubble. This can place pressure on the surrounding nerves. Chiropractic adjustments are great for these bulging discs as they respond well to realignment. In some cases, surgery has been suggested, and chiropractic care has helped these patients avoid going under the knife.

Herniated Discs

A herniated or ruptured disc can lead to more serious issues. While a herniated disc can occur anywhere in the spine, they most commonly happen in the lower back. A herniated or ruptured disc occurs when the soft center of the annulus is pushed through a weakened area from degeneration or a trauma. This puts pressure on the spinal cord, causing extreme discomfort and pain.

When you combine chiropractic care with simple exercises like drinking more water, walking, and better nutrition, you can enjoy the benefits of a non-surgical alternative for many back and disc issues and get your health back on track.