Back to School

Get a Back-to-School Immune System Boost

The spine controls the entire body, including the immune system. So as the school season arrives, it's essential to take proper care of it so you can be as healthy as possible. An immune system boost is the best way to fight back-to-school germs. Discover how to boost your immune system through spinal alignment.

Back to School Reminders for Parents: Health Tips to Fight Germs.

As students head back to school, their exposure to germs increases exponentially. As parents, you may be wondering how to keep them safe and healthy during this new school year. You may not be able to completely prevent the spread of germs so here are some back to school health tips to stay safe.

Tips to Handle Heavy Backpacks

If you’ve ever experienced back, neck, or shoulder pain, you know how much it can impact your life — now imagine that for your child. As the school year starts, many students are negatively impacted by heavy backpacks. Here are our tips to help prevent backpack pains.

Chill Out: Relaxation Strategies For Students

As August comes around this year, make sure that you are feeling the best you can before the school semester starts. Usually, students start out the new semester feeling calm and confident but lose their way a few months later. In order to continue staying on top of your game (and homework), now is the time to learn and implement some relaxation strategies that you can do at home.

Is Chiropractic on Your Back to School List?

Now that we are in back to school season, you’ve probably found yourself with a big to-do list. Along with all that planning and shopping, don’t forget to add chiropractic care to your list. Here’s how chiropractic can help you and your family start the school year off right.